Compassion ministry involves emergency help in a variety of different scenarios.
The rainy season can be brutal here for many families whose houses are precarious already. Many are built on cliffs and mountainsides that are extremely steep and dangerous. There is a constant threat of landslides whether from rain or earthquakes. The rainy season also brings with it weeks with no work. We are able to help by providing rice and other basic food essentials, clothes, blankets, household items to families who need it.
At other times, we help many with medicines or treatment that they can otherwise not afford, as well as food.
Your giving may also mean we can help with some basic dentistry, as many have badly decayed teeth which need removal.
These tangible expressions of his love are making an impact as people realize they are not alone and Jesus is good news to the poor.
These tangible expressions of his love, are making an impact as people know realize they are not alone and Jesus is good news to the poor.